Research & Publication

Dr. Mohammad Forhad Hossain

1) Hossain, M. and Rahman, M. (2021). Preparation and Characterization of the Electrospun Alginate Nanofibers, Journal of Textile Science and Technology.
2) Rahman, M., Uddin, MA.,Shibly, MMH., Hossain, NB., Hossain, MF. and Rigout, M. (2021). Synthesis and Characterisation of Azo-Based Dichlorotriazine Reactive Dye with Halochromic Behaviour, Tekstilec, University of Ljubljana.
3) Md. Mahbubur Rahman, Mohammad Forhad Hossain and Mustafijur Rahman, (2021). Effectiveness of Carbon Electrode Electrolysis Effluent Treatment System in Textile Dyeing, Journal of Textile Science & Fashion Technology.
4) Mustafijur Rahman, Vinit Viduran, Kazi Sirajul Islam, Adnan Maroof Khan, Nusrat Binta Hossain, Mohammad Forhad Hossain and Mohammad Abbas Uddin, (2021). Development of Jute Hybrid Composites for use in the Car Panels, Global Journal of Engineering Sciences.
5) Md. Moynul Hassan Shibly, Mohammad Forhad Hossain, Mustafijur Rahman, Md. Golam Nur (2019). Development of Cost-Effective Menstrual Absorbent Pad with EcoFriendly Antimicrobial Finish, European Scientific Journal.
6) Hossain, M. F. (2019). Wound Care: A Material Solution, Encyclopedia of Renewable and Sustainable Materials; ELSEVIER.
7) Md. Saiful Hoque , Samit Chakraborty, Md. Forhad Hossain , Md. Masud Alam, (2018). Knit Fabric Scouring with Soapnut: A Sustainable Approach Towards Textile Pre-Treatment, American Journal of Environmental Protection.
8) Hossain, M. F. & Gong, R. H. (2016). Silver-loaded Antibacterial Alginate Nanofibres: Preparation and characterization. Journal of Fashion Technology & Textile Engineering.
9) Hossain, M. F., Gong, R. H. & Rigout, M. (2016). Effect of polymer concentration on electrospinning of hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin/PEO nanofibres. The Journal of The Textile Institute.
10) Hossain, M. F., Gong, R. H. & Rigout, M. (2015). Preparation and characterization of poly(ethylene oxide)-loaded hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin nanofibres. Polymers for Advanced Technologies.
11) Hossain, M. F., Gong, R. H. & Rigout, M. (2015). Optimization of the process variables for electrospinning of poly(ethylene oxide)-loaded hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin nanofibres. The Journal of The Textile Institute.
12) Hossain, M. F. (2009). CSR – its influence on Bangladesh textile and apparel industry, Textile Asia.

Mohammad Forhad HOSSAIN, Hugh R. GONG, Lucy BALLAMY (2016). ANTIBACTERIAL NANOFIBRES, US Patent WO2016176495A1.

Dr. Mohammad Abbas Uddin Shiyak

Ongoing Research/Study/Project:

• Co-Author (2021), National Chemical Management Guideline for Textile and RMG Industry, commissioned by BGMEA and Ministry of Commerce in association with GIZ.
• Principal Investigator (2018-2022), Designing of a prototype carding machine (memo no BUTEX/2021/RNE/009 dated 23/98/2021 and বাটেবি/প্রশা:/১৪০/২০১৬ dated 04/12/2021)
• Principal Investigator (2020-2021), Designing and building prototype sample dyeing machine (UGC grant memo no 37-01-0000-073-04-018/2019 dated 11/03/2020),
• Principal Researcher (2021-2022), Design and development of a laboratory prototype Machine to recycle plastic for filament extrusion (memo no BUTEX/2021/RNE/009)
• Co-Researcher (2021-2022), Development of eco-friendly natural dyeing process for cotton fabric by waste tea extract (memo no BUTEX/2021/RNE/009)
• Co-Researcher (2021-2022), The dye adsorption capability of Aluminium doped Cobalt-Manganese ferrites synthesised by sol-gel auto combustion methods (memo no BUTEX/2021/RNE/009)
• Principal Investigator (2019-2021), Fragrance Extraction from recycled natural sources, Research fund grant by BUTEX, University Grants Commission, Bangladesh,
• Team leader (2021-2022) Market Assessment on RMG sector to strengthen its backward linkage and complexity, commissioned by BGMEA under IFC grant

Completed Research/Study/Project:

• Team lead for ‘Baseline macro-level information on the chemical and textile industry in Bangladesh’ for ZDHC Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals (ZDHC) under UN GEF project
• Research Team lead, Apparel Automation Pulse (Nov 2020 to May 2021) for Shimmy Technologies and Better work Bangladesh, ILO, pilot study for 30 Apparel factories.
• Team leader (2021), Sector Assessment: Leather Goods SMEs of Bangladesh leather B-SkillFUL Phase II Programme, funded by the Embassy of Switzerland in Bangladesh and implemented by Swisscontact
• Postdoctoral Research Associate (Feb 2021- July 2021), Manchester Fashion Institute, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK QR Global Challenges Research Fund 2020/21, Research Capacity Building and Promoting Sustainable Fashion and Textiles Practices in Bangladesh: 1) Zero-Waste apparel production and 2) Material sustainability, circular economy, Life Cycle Analysis (LCA).
• Principal Investigator (2020-2021), Design and Develop a ReKard machine to produce rope from recycled clothing, A commercial contract

Dr. Mohammad Abbas Uddin Shiyak

Journal Article Published:

• U. N. Haq, A Huraira, M. A. Uddin (2021), Physical characteristics of Typha elephantina Roxb. fibre (Hogla) for Textile Application, Journal of Textile Institute.
• T. M. Dip, M. A. Uddin, ASM Sayem et al. (2021), 3D Printing Technology for Textiles and Fashion, Textile Progress
• Uddin, M. A., Nazmul Karim, Shaila Afroj (2021), Environmental Impact of Single-Use Personal Protective Clothing
• M. Rahman, V. Viduran, K. S., A. M. Khan, M. A. Uddin et al. Development of Jute Hybrid Composites for use in the Car Panels. Glob J Eng Sci. 7(3): 2021. GJES.MS.ID.000661.
• Rahman, M., Uddin, MA.,Shibly, MMH., Hossain, NB., Hossain, MF. and Rigout, M., 2021. Synthesis and Characterisation of Azo-Based Dichlorotriazine Reactive Dye with Halochromic Behaviour. (Accepted) Tekstilec, 64(3). Publisher: Publisher University of Ljubljana, Faculty for Natural Sciences and Engineering.
• M. A. Uddin, Sayem, A.S.M. et. al (2020). Natural Indigo for Textiles: Past, Present, and Future. In: Hashmi, Saleem and Choudhury, Imtiaz Ahmed (eds.). Encyclopedia of Renewable and Sustainable Materials, vol. 2, pp. 803-809, Oxford: Elsevier.
• Broadbent, P. J., Carr, C. M., Rigout, M., Kistamah, N., Choolun, J., Radhakeesoon, C. L., Uddin, M. Abbas (2018) ‘Investigation into the dyeing of wool with Lanasol and Remazol reactive dyes in seawater’, Coloration Technology, 134(2), pp. 156–161. doi: 10.1111/cote.12329.
• M. M. K. Akter, U. N. Haq, M Hossain and M. A. Uddin (2021), Textile-Apparel Manufacturing and Material Waste Management in the Circular Economy- Conceptual Model to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 12 for Bangladesh under review
• M. A. Uddin, M. M. Rahman, M. A. Sayem et al. (2021), Natural Colourants for Textiles: A Review, under review
• Uddin, M. A., Datta. S., K. S. Afreen, S. Akter and A. Bandyopadhyay. Assessment of antimicrobial effectiveness of natural dyed fabrics. Bangladesh J. Sci. Ind. Res. 48(3), 179-184, 2013. DOI:
• Datta, S*, Uddin, M. A., K. S. Afreena and A. Bandyopadhyay. Antimicrobial effect of natural dyed fabrics. Journal of Pharmacy & Biological Sciences, IOSR, 2012)
• Uddin, M. A., Datta, S., S. K. Pramanik, M. Abdullah-Al-Shoeb. Natural adsorbents for dye effluent of high strength COD and their microbiological analysis. Chemistry Journal, UK, 2011, Volume 1, p29-35.
• Uddin, M. A., Z. Ahmed ,and S. Datta. Microbiological analysis of medical textiles and effectiveness of antimicrobial finished fabrics. Journal of Primeasia University Studies, 2011, Volume 1, No.1, p1-4
• Uddin, M. A., A. Bandyopadhyay, and S. Datta. Microbiological and Chemical Standardization of water treatment plant. Journal of Primeasia University Studies, 2011, Volume 1, No.1, p 35-42
• Uddin, M. A., A. Bandyopadhyay, and S. Datta. Microbiological and Chemical analysis of treated water from different textile zones around Dhaka city, Bangladesh. Journal of Primeasia University Studies, 2011, Volume 1, No.1, p 5-10
• Datta, S., M. A. Uddin, and A. Bandyopadhyay. Efficacy of antimicrobial finish on cotton fabrics. Journal of Pure & Applied Microbiology, 2010, Volume 4, No. 2, p 513-516
• Uddin, M.A., Ahmed, Z., and Datta, S. Microbiological analysis of medical textiles and effectiveness of antimicrobial finished fabrics. J. Primeasia University. 1 (1): 1-4 (2011).
• Uddin. M.A., Md. I. Amin, M. H. Khan. Branding Bangladesh with Jute The Golden fiber of Bengal, Bangladesh Textile Today, Vol 1:4, 2008
• Uddin. M.A. Readymade garment industry of Bangladesh: How the industry is affected in post MFA period?, published in
• Uddin. M.A., Compliance or Non-compliance in Apparel industry of Bangladesh: at what cost?, Bangladesh Textile Journal, Vol 1:3, 69-72, 2008
• Chemical analysis of essential oil extracted from pomelo sourced from Bangladesh,
• Conductive Textiles for Signal Sensing and Technical Applications,
• Eco-friendly biopolishing of cotton fabric through wasted sugarcane bagasse-derived enzymes,
• Eco-friendly dyeing of cotton fabric using used tea bag extracts: A comprehensive study on pH, fabric cationisation, and computational analysis
• Environmental Impacts of Personal Protective Clothing Used to Combat COVID- 19, Advanced Sustainable Systems
• Evaluating the biocatalytic potential of fruit peel-derived eco-enzymes for sustainable textile wastewater treatment,
• Extraction and Characterization of Antimicrobial surgical Suture from the bast of Tinospora Cordifolia,
• Graphene and CNT-Based Smart Fiber-Reinforced Composites: A Review,
• Streamline video-based automatic fabric pattern recognition using Bayesian optimized Convolutional Neural Network,
• Sustainable Fiber-Reinforced Composites: A Review,
• Textile colouration with natural colourants: A review,
• Textile-apparel manufacturing and material waste management in the circular economy: A conceptual model to achieve sustainable development goal (SDG) 12 for Bangladesh,

Mustafijur Rahman

Journal Articles
• Rahman, M., Uddin, MA.,Shibly, MMH., Hossain, NB., Hossain, MF. and Rigout, M., 2021. Synthesis and Characterisation of Azo-Based Dichlorotriazine Reactive Dye with Halochromic Behaviour. (Accepted) Tekstilec, 64(3), Publisher: Publisher University of Ljubljana, Faculty for Natural Sciences and Engineering.
• Rahman, M.M., Hossain, M.F. and Rahman, M., 2021. Effectiveness of Carbon Electrode Electrolysis Effluent Treatment System in Textile Dyeing. Journal of Textile Science and Fashio Technology, 8(3), Iris Publishers, USA. DOI: 10.33552/JTSFT.2021.07.000690
• Hossain, M.F. and Rahman, M., 2021. Preparation and Characterization of the Electrospun Alginate Nanofibers. Journal of Textile Science and Technology, 7(2), pp.91-100. DOI: 10.4236/jtst.2021.72008
• Ashraf, M., Rahman, M.H. and Rahman, M., 2021. Comparative Study on Antimicrobial Activity of Four Bangladeshi Medicinal Plants Used as Antimicrobial Finishes on Cotton Fabric. Journal of Textile Science and Fashio Technology, 8(3), Iris Publishers, USA. DOI: 10.33552/JTSFT.2021.08.000686
• Rahman, M., Viduran, V., Islama, K.S., Khan, A.M., Hossain, N.B., Hossain, M.F. and Uddin, M.A., 2021. Development of Jute Hybrid Composites for use in the Car Panels. Global Journal of Engineering Sciences, 7(3), Iris Publishers, USA. DOI: 10.33552/GJES.2021.07.000661
• Hossain, M.F., Rahman, M. and Ismail, M., 2021. Investigation of Physio-chemical Properties of the Natural Nanofibrous Functional Wound Dressing. (Under Review), Journal of Natural Fibers.
• Shibly, M. M. H., Hossain, M. F., Rahman, M. and Nur, M. G. (2019) “Development of Cost-Effective Menstrual Absorbent Pad with Eco-Friendly Antimicrobial Finish”, European Scientific Journal, ESJ, 15(36), p. 438. Doi:10.19044/esj.2019.v15n36p438
• Hossain, M. F., Rahman, M. and Nur, M. G. (2017) “Ageing Effects of Na-Alginate/PEO Spinning Solution on Electrospinnability and Morphology of Nanofibres”, European Scientific Journal, ESJ, 13(9), p. 56. DOI: 10.19044/esj.2017.v13n9p56
• Nur, M. G., Hossain, M. F. and Rahman, M. (2016) “Feasibility Study of Integrated Desizing, Scouring and Bleaching of Cotton Woven Fabric with H2O2 and Investigation of Various Physical Properties with Traditionally Treated Fabric”, European Scientific Journal, ESJ, 12(33), p. 26. DOI: 10.19044/esj.2016.v12n33p26
• Rahman, M., Rayyaan, R., Nur, M. G., Saaqib, S. N., & Shibly, M. M. H. (2015). An Exploratory Study on Modern 3D Computerised Body Scanning System and Various Types of Pattern Making Software’s with Their Constructive Implementation in Apparel Industry. European Scientific Journal, ESJ, 11(15).
• Rahman, M. and Nur, M.G. (2014). Feasible Application of Modern Eco-Friendly Treatment of Wool Fabric before Coloration. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 4(7), p.228.
• Rahman, M. and Nur, M.G., 2014. Recent Innovations in Yarn Technology: A Review. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 4(6), p.7.
• A review on nanomaterial-based additive manufacturing: Dynamics in properties, prospects, and challenges
• Fabrication of Silk Fibroin-Derived Fibrous Scaffold for Biomedical Frontiers
• Fabrication of Zein-Based Fibrous Scaffolds for Biomedical Applications-A Review
• Review on electrically conductive smart nerve guide conduit for peripheral nerve regeneration
• Synthesis and Characterisation of Azo-Based Dichlorotriazine Reactive Dye with Halochromic Behaviour

Mustafijur Rahman

Ongoing Research/Study/Project
• Ph.D. Research on “Nanofibrs Application in Medical Textiles (Nerve Regeneration)” under Center for Materials Innovation and Future Fashion, School of Fashion and Textiles at RMIT University, Australia.
• Co-Investigator “Development of a low cost wireless E-Textile integrated with pulse acquisition and vibration system for heart rate monitoring and body massaging facility” (2019-2021), Research fund grant by BUTEX, University Grants Commission, Bangladesh.
• Academic Supervisor “Implementation of IoT with RFID based tracking system in the garment production process” funded and organized by “Setting Transformation Blueprint Project-Bangladesh Textile Today” (2019-2021).
• Academic Supervisor “Developing a standard operating procedure (SOP) for 100% micro polyester yarn dyeing to improve right-first-time (RFT)%” funded and organized by “Setting Transformation Blueprint Project-Bangladesh Textile Today” (2019-2021).

Completed Research/Study/Project
• Co-Researcher “Development of cost-effective menstrual absorbent pad with eco-friendly antimicrobial finish”. (2016-2019) Bangladesh University of Textiles (BUTEX).
• Co-Researcher “Development and morphological analysis of natural nanofibres for biomedical applications”. (2016-2020) Bangladesh University of Textiles (BUTEX).
• Principal-Researcher “Development of jute hybrid epoxy composites and its application in car panels”. (2016-2018) Bangladesh University of Textiles (BUTEX).
• Co-Researcher “Feasibility study of integrated desizing, scouring and bleaching of cotton woven fabric with H2O2 and investigation of various physical properties with traditionally treated fabric”. (2016-2018) Bangaldesh University of Textiles (BUTEX).
• Principal Researcher “Synthesis and application of reactive azo-based halochromic dyes for the implementation as pH sensor on wound dressings”, This research work conducted at the University of Manchester in collaboration with Colour Synthesis Solutions Ltd, UK. (2013-2014).

Dr. Sultana Bedoura

Journal Articles
• Xi, H.-W.; Bedoura, S.; Alam Sk, M.; Lim, K. H., Mono-, Di-, Tri- and Tetra-silacyclobutenes: Strain Energy, Hyperconjugation and Ring-Opening Reaction. Polyhedron. (Accepted)
• Bedoura, S. ; Xi, H.-W.; Goh, H.W.; Lim, K. H., DFT/TDDFT Investigation on Donor-Acceptor Triazole-based Copolymers for Organic Photovoltaics. Journal of Molecular Structure, 1248 (2022) 131406. .
• Xi, H.-W. ; Bedoura, S .; Alam Sk, M.; Lim, K. H., The disappearance of the stable slightly bent isomer of germasilaallenes and the appearance of its cyclic isomer. Polyhedron 2020, 192(1), 114821.
• Bedoura, S. ; Xi, H.-W.; Lim, K. H., Hydrogen Bond nature in Formamide (CYHNH) complexes at their ground and low-lying excited states. Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry 2014, 27(3), 226.
• Xi, H.-W.; Bedoura, S .; Lim, K. H., Hydrogen bond and internal rotations barrier: DFT study on heavier group-14 analogues of formamide. Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry 2013, 26 (5), 420.
• Tan, S. J.; Xi, H.-W.; Bedoura, S. ; Lim, K. H., DFT study of salicylaldehyde semicarbazone derivatives interaction with copper and the effect of aminic substituent . Inorganica Chimica Acta 2012, 384 (0), 29.
• Eco-friendly dyeing of cotton fabric using used tea bag extracts: A comprehensive study on pH, fabric cationisation, and computational analysis,
• Evaluating the biocatalytic potential of fruit peel-derived eco-enzymes for sustainable textile wastewater treatment,

Nusrat Jahan

Journal Article
• Hoque, M., Rashid, M.A. and Jahan, N., 2020. Adsorptive Removal of Methylene Blue Dye Coloration from Aqueous Solution by Adsorption Using Jute Wastages.
• Hashi, M.R. and Jahan,N.,2018. Analysis of Topmost Defects in Finishing Department to Ensure the Quality of Readymade Garments in the Apparel Industry
• Chemical analysis of essential oil extracted from pomelo sourced from Bangladesh

Nusrat Jahan


Ongoing Research/Study/Project
• Principal Researcher (2021-2022), The dye adsorption capability of Aluminium doped Cobalt-Manganese ferrites synthesised by sol-gel auto combustion methods (memo no BUTEX/2021/RNE/009)
• Co-Investigator (2019-2021), Fragrance Extraction from recycled natural sources, Research fund grant by BUTEX, University Grants Commission, Bangladesh

Completed Research/Study/Project
• Research Assistant (April 2021- July 2021), Manchester Fashion Institute, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK QR Global Challenges Research Fund 2020/21, Research Capacity Building and Promoting Sustainable Fashion and Textiles Practices in Bangladesh: 1) Zero-Waste apparel production and 2) Material sustainability, circular economy, Life Cycle Analysis (LCA).

Kazi Sirajul Islam

Completed Research/Study/Project

Md Abul Kalam Azad

Research / Projects:

Co-Researcher: Current Scenario of Solar Energy Production in Bangladesh and FuturePotentiality. ttps://
Principal-Researcher: Analysis of Compressive Behavior of 3D Woven Carbon -Fiber Reinforced (IM7/Epoxy) Polymer Composites Used in Aerospace, (UoM).

Research articles: